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Band Biographies
Open Letter
Fan Page
Alumni Pape

Skywalker Productions (
or by phone at (301) 722-3621
or Pat Sullivan at (301) 729-8364 website design and maintenance by

Hello everyone,

     Wow, what a great summer!  We have had a super summer, filled with fantastic gigs, and we thank you for all your support!  Some of our favorites included Will jamming with Deanna Bogart and her band...Being tapped as the headliners for the Freedom Bluesfest's Maryland Stage, and inviting Lynwood Taylor to Jam with us, along with T.J. from the Baltimore band, Hambone.....also, our wonderful concert in the park and playing shows on the downtown Cumberland mall, as well as some great private parties and festivals from Keyser, Cumberland, Mt. Savage and elsewhere. Thanks again for your constant support.

     CD Update:  We're still working on getting everything finished.  Please be is a longer process than anticipated, but we feel confident when it's finished up, you will enjoy the final outcome!

     Meanwhile...listen to Tuesday Night Blues on WFWM Radio with our friend, Chuck Dicken...he supports us, and we want you to support him!!! When you see him, ask him about his upcoming Celtic Fest in Cumberland.

     That's all for now.....hope to see you soon.

Pat, Will, Eric, Greg and Alex
The Channel Cats Blues Band